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  • Writer's pictureKristine Hurd

7 Myths You Might Believe About Buying Artwork

When you picture an art collector do you picture a room full of people bidding obscene amounts of money on a painting at an auction? The idea that only wealthy people can collect art outdated one. Below I have listed seven of the biggest misconceptions about buying artwork.

Art is expensive - you have to have lots of money to buy art

Depending on the size of the piece and what stage the artist is at in their career, it’s fairly easy to find original art for under $100 dollars. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to collect art, all you have to do is buy art you love.

If it’s not expensive or the artist isn’t famous, it’s not good art

Art is subjective. Don't buy a Monet just because you recognize the name. Regardless of who created it, art should be real, and express who you are and what you value. Never buy something just for the name.

You should buy art from a gallery

These days there are tons of talented artists who don’t have work in galleries, you just need to know where to look. Many artists now have personal websites (like this one), there are websites that feature many artists in one place, like Fine Art America, you can find art by searching on Instagram, Facebook , and Etsy, or by attending flea marts, craft shows, art fairs and more.

Art is an investment

In all honesty there’s no guarantee any piece of artwork you purchase will increase in value. There’s no standard for valuing art, it’s subject to fraud, and it only generates capital gains (meaning you'll never get a dividend from investing in a painting). If you want to invest in art - view it as an investment in yourself. It should be something you want to live with that pays dividends in terms of the visual pleasure it will give you.

Only an expert can decide if art is “good”

Everyone is different so it only makes sense that the art we like and dislike will also be different. Our evaluation will be based on our personal values and experiences. There is no need to be an expert to know what you like. Good art will have a strong emotional impact and leave a lasting impression. You'll know when you see it.

You need lots of space to display art

A large canvas may require a large wall, but you can also find smaller pieces of art for smaller spaces. Every living space has walls, shelves and corners that can be decorated with art.

Your art has to match your space

Gone are the days of matching a painting to your rug or couch. First and foremost, any artwork you buy should be a reflection of your personality and emotions. If you buy something you love, there's a good chance it's going to match the overall feeling and ambiance of your space regardless.

Are you interested in buying some artwork but don't know where to start? Download my free guide "How to Choose Artwork for your Home".

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